The Southeast MLS Alliance partnership enables its members to access listing data within a new network of the largest MLSs in South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina.
The Southeast MLS Alliance brings together data from the largest MLSs in our four states. Collaborating as the founding members, CHS Regional MLS, Georgia MLS, Canopy MLS, and Realtracs facilitate regional listing exposure and empower members to serve their clients with more data and reach than ever before. Participants and Subscribers have access to a wealth of data from these southeastern areas, the opportunity to broaden their referral network and garner a powerful agent audience for their clients’ listings.

in partnership with

What is the Southeast MLS Alliance?
The Southeast MLS Alliance is a collaboration between Canopy MLS, Charleston Regional MLS, Georgia MLS, and Realtracs.
Why was the Southeast MLS Alliance created?
The Southeast MLS Alliance was created to provide additional services and benefits to brokers and agents in the southeastern states so they can better serve their consumer-clients. Through this collaborative effort, the MLSs can help to increase access to data, which creates a more open, transparent, and efficient real estate marketplace. You can find more information about the collaboration in the announcement post.
Is this a merger between the participating MLSs?
No. Each Canopy MLS, Charleston Regional MLS, Georgia MLS, and Realtracs remain separate legal entities, each operating its individual business.
How do I get access to data from participants in the other Southeast MLS Alliance MLSs?
Data from each MLS in the Southeast MLS Alliance will be ported into your current MLS system. You will not need to learn a new system to access data.
From the Flexmls Quick Search page, you'll see a new field at the top titled "Data Source," and it will default to our CHS MLS database you are used to. To search Alliance data, click "Southeastern MLS Alliance" as your selection, and you'll have the Alliance data at your fingertips!
Will the Alliance data be mixed in with our local CHS Regional MLS data?
No, while both data sets will be in Flexmls for easy access, they are separate - you will not see the results mixed together.
What data will be included?
You will have access to MLS data from our 3 data share partner MLSs: CanopyMLS, RealTracs, and GeorgiaMLS.
Will there be any additional costs to brokers and agents?
No. Participants and subscribers will have access to the data share data as part of their existing services from an MLS participating in the Southeast MLS Alliance.
Will I get access to the products and services provided by the other MLSs in Southeast MLS Alliance?
You will only have access to the products and services that are provided by the MLS where you subscribe (e.g., IDX, lockboxes, database access, showing services, etc.). In order to get access to the products and services offered by a different MLS, you would need to subscribe to that MLS.
What if I have a dispute with a participant of another MLS?
If participants of different MLSs have a dispute, it will be handled via arbitration according to the rules of the MLS where the listing was entered.
Do I need to learn another MLS’s rules? How will compliance be handled for MLS rules violations?
Each MLS is responsible for its own compliance and enforcement of its own rules. You are only required to comply with the rules of the MLS where you participate.

Do more with your CHS MLS membership.
The Southeast MLS Alliance was created to provide additional services and benefits to brokers and agents in the participating MLSs so they can better serve their consumer-clients. Through this collaborative effort, the MLSs can help to increase access to data, which creates a more open, transparent, and efficient real estate marketplace.