On October 21, you'll see an update to the "Other Structures" field set, in an effort to streamline the property report and make the square footage easier to see.
The "Other Structure SqFt" field will be just below the "main" square footage field.
The "main" square footage field is renamed to "Primary Structure SqFt"

The "Other Structures" field set allows you to enter details for a detached, livable structure on your listing's parcel. Before you utilize these fields, please read the details below so that you understand the guidelines.
The fields are intended to provide a separate area for data relating to a detached structure, and the square footage and bed/bath counts should NOT be totaled into the main listing fields for this data.
Explore the Rules & Regulations language for these fields in Section 1.1.3 P: The “Other Structures” field set is intended for use when a detached structure exists on the listing’s parcel that is currently livable (heated and cooled). The square footage, bedroom count and bathroom count of the detached, livable structure must be entered in the designated Other Structures fields and should NOT be totaled into the main listing fields. Inaccurate listings that remain uncorrected are subject to an Inaccurate Information fine as listed under Section 9.
The first field in the set, "Other Structure?" will be a required field for all listings. You will enter either yes or no. If no, you will not see any additional related fields. If yes, the full Other Structure field set will appear on the Details tab.
The CHS Full Report on the Detail tab in Flexmls will be updated to show these fields' data in its own section for clarity.
The “Type” drop down will include only livable options, such as Guest House, Mobile Home, Pool House, Detached Frog. Items such as shed, barn, stable, greenhouse, will be added to Misc. Exterior (any data there will be mapped as such by the Flexmls team).
Other Structures may also be used to detail a finished room over (a detached) garage:
1. Attached FROGs should be selected in the existing “Rooms” field, and sqft included in main.
2. Detached FROGs should be entered into Other Structures.
In order to help differentiate the main/primary structure from the detached, additional structure, the current "Apx SqFt" field display name on main listing entry will be changed to "Primary Structure Apx SqFt". The "List Price per SqFt" field display name will also change to "Primary Structure List Price per SqFt"
STEP ONE: Answer yes or no here

STEP TWO: If yes, answer these on the Details tab

The Structure Types that may be entered into this field are below. The structure MUST be detached from the main house and on the parcel.
Pool House Guest House
Mobile Home
Detached FROG
Once you've answered yes to the initial Other Structure field, you then may enter, if applicable, these fields over on the Details tab:
Other Structure Bedrooms Other Structure Bathrooms Other Structure Square Footage Other Structure Notes
Why is it called "Other Structure" instead of something more specific?
This field name is part of a standardized system that is used across the nation. CHS MLS strives to meet the highest certification for this standard, which increases data accuracy and usability.
How do I enter the square footage?
The square footage, and if applicable the bed and bath counts, should be entered separately, into the designated "Other Structures" fields for these data points. Please do not total them all up in the regular main home fields for sqft, bed and bath counts.
Can I use this for an ADU on my listing?
It is important to note that an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) is a very particular type of additional structure and requires certification. If there is a certified ADU on your listing's parcel, then you can definitely use this field set to provide the vital details, and you may also like to mention its certification in the "Other Structure Notes" field. Be sure to consult your Broker-in-Charge on ADU classifications across different municipalities.
If your additional structure is NOT a certified ADU, but is detached and on the parcel, you may still enter the details here, but should not refer to it as an ADU.
Always consult your Broker-in-Charge in regard to ADU classifications across different municipalities.
How do I search for a property with an "Other Structure" on the property? If you are looking for a home that includes detached living space, this new field set will make your search much easier as more data is entered by your peers! How you narrow down your criteria is up to you - remember less is more. We recommend beginning with a criteria to return listings with any potentially livable "Other Structure Type" (i.e. Guest House, Pool House). From there, you could define the needed bed/bath count for the "Other Structure", etc.
What if the additional space is attached? If there is an additional structure on your listing's parcel that is attached to the main home, it should NOT be detailed in this field set. It is a part of the main home, not a separated, additional structure.