Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest all use streams as a way of viewing data. Cloud Streams put photos front and center, to give your buyers a window shopping experience they will love.
Cloud Streams’ MLS listing alerts include property photos, agent branding and descriptive subject lines. At a glance your buyer can make decisions without having to click anywhere else.
When a client “likes” or make a “comment” on a property the agent is notified immediately. Property streams can also be shared with family and friends. Cloud Streams works beautifully on laptops, phones, and tablets. You and your clients will get the best experience on everything you use everyday.
Use Cloud Streams' intuitive interface to put your buyer clients favorite home right in front of them.
Huntington Beach, CA
300 mls's served
1,000,000 total agents served
Cloud Streams Online Resources
Online training webinars for Cloud Streams can be found here